About Focus – And How We Are Different

Welcome to Focus on Mexico – we are your Guides to transitioning to a new life in Mexico and specifically, the beautiful Lake Chapala area.
We provide the information, people connections, and experiences that you really need to have before moving to Lake Chapala. We’ve all been where you are and successfully made the transition – and what’s different is – that we’ve helped many hundreds do the same. …and we’ve been doing it for over 20 years!
We know it works because our “Alumni” tells us that the 6-Day Educational Program is a life-changing experience. (see the Testimonials Page for a small sampling of the hundreds we’ve received).
Our Online Programs continue this tradition of providing expert, up-to-date information and perspective on the life-changing project of moving to Mexico.
A Story of Focus’ Two Founders Ray Bullock and Marie Dwyer-Bullock
Back in 1995, a couple of “Mex-pats” arrived in Lake Chapala to check it out. It didn’t take long to discover “The Magic of the Lakeside” and the decision was made. Mexico was for them!
A plan was developed to do a series of presentations to talk to people about life in Lake Chapala, Mexico, and to offer an opportunity to check it out.
The rationale was simple:
- They loved doing the presentations and talking to people about Mexico and the Lakeside and how it made such a difference in their lives.
- They loved showing the groups around their “pocket of paradise”, answering questions, watching as friendships developed, and for some, the realization that they too had discovered the Magic of the Lakeside.
- There are many people out there looking for their special place and, with help, they may just find it in Mexico.
Ray and Marie spent many hours designing the program and “Focus” was launched in July 1999.
They initially had no idea how successful the program would be. Let us just say that, since that time, Focus has had the pleasure of hosting many hundreds of people; having watched as many friendships flourish and many times having received the ultimate in gratification when someone says: “We have found our special place and Focus made it possible.”
The Focus Tradition Continues
After the passing of beloved co-Founder Marie Dwyer-Bullock in 2015, the Program went through a short period of re-organization. Now, as the new owner of Focus, I am really lucky to be stepping into a well-developed situation with Team members with decades of experience, and the ongoing mentorship of the other long-term Focus Staff and Focus co-Founder Ray Bullock. With this foundation of a dynamic Program honed over 20 years, the same inspiration to help others find their “Next Chapter” in life is what energizes the new Focus Team.
It is our sincere hope that we can reach out to many more people who, one day, may find their special place in Lake Chapala, Mexico and Focus on Mexico can make that possible. We hope to see you soon at Lakeside!
Keep in touch by signing up for our free Email Newsletter (see the sign-up box on the right-hand column of this page) and you will get fresh updates on moving or retiring to Mexico and will get notified when new articles appear on this website.

Ross Cheney |
“After two previous trips to Ajijic to get an education about investing in Mexico, finally your program provided me with the necessary information. Couldn’t be better. Excellent program from beginning to end.” |
Ron Graham and Andre Charlebois |
“…our congratulations on a job well done. The whole concept behind Focus on Mexico is nothing short of brilliant. You’re in the right place, at the right time, and certainly doing the right thing.” |
Bette Brazel |
“Focus on Mexico delivered everything I expected and more. Before coming I had read some reviews where people said FOM provided information you could gather yourself. While that is true, I found that the information delivered by FOM was vetted, so that we were immediately connected to the best doctor, immigration and moving services, etc. Money spent on the course saved me both money and time that would have been spent locating resources on my own, deciding whether a move to Mexico was right for me, and possibly some mistakes along the way. For those planning a move to Mexico, FOM also provides the beginning of a network to build on which is hard to put a price on.” |
Ron Graham and Andre Charlebois |
“…our congratulations on a job well done. The whole concept behind Focus on Mexico is nothing short of brilliant. You’re in the right place, at the right time, and certainly doing the right thing.” |
Jack Prince |
“All aspects of the entire stay exceeded my expectations.” |
Read “Testimonials” to hear more from Focus participants.
P.S. We have tried to make this site as informative as possible. If you experience any difficulty or have suggestions for improvement, please e-mail us at info@focusonmexico.com
We hope you enjoy reading through our site, as much as we have enjoyed creating it!
Focus on Mexico