Lake Chapala, Mexico’s largest lake, is home to one of Mexico’s largest expat communities. When we run our Focus on Mexico educational programs, I always like to ask, “What are your top reasons for thinking of moving to the Lake Chapala area?” Yes, while the great weather and the lower cost of living are mentioned many times, another important benefit that is often in the top 3 reasons is the good location. The old real estate slogan, “Location Location Location” refers to the importance of the location of a property to its market value. In a similar way, Lake Chapala’s … [Read more...]
ExpatsInMexico Interviews Focus Co-Owner Michael Nuschke
I met Robert Nelson, the owner of the excellent website, in Puerto Vallarta. We shared a coffee and talked about our common interests - helping people settle into a new lifestyle in Mexico. We hit it off quite well and had a long discussion about our backgrounds and common passions. Robert suggested we do a video interview that he could put on his website - and I said "Sure!". Here is our discussion; is a great website and a worthy addition to anyone doing research on moving to Mexico. ...and speaking of worthy research, have you considered … [Read more...]
Top 8 Reasons Retirees Move to Lake Chapala
So you've worked hard for years and can finally look at retiring! That's great! But where will you live? For some people, getting out of the rat race and enjoying a much better quality of living for far less money is more than wishful thinking, it's their reality and one of the many reasons Lake Chapala is one of the top retirement destinations in the world. This article lays out what I feel are the top reasons why you too should consider Lake Chapala as a retirement destination. For the sake of brevity, I'm going to limit this to eight reasons why people fall in love with--and choose to … [Read more...]
Assisted Living in Mexico
One of the expert speakers at our Focus on Mexico fast track learning seminars, Wendy Carrel, recently published an article in Senior Living Foresight. We thought our readers would enjoy this look at the current and future assisted living landscape in Mexico including Lakeside and other locations. In 2018, there were 11 assisted living facilities in Lakeside and now there are 27! … [Read more...]
Mexico Move Survey
As previously reported, Focus on Mexico is expanding to provide you with first-hand information and on the ground fast track learning seminars for other great Mexico move/retirement locations. We want to hear from our readers what other locations in Mexico you are most interested in. Please take just one minute to help us with a quick two question on-line survey by copying and pasting the link below into your browser. Please note that since we don't often conduct surveys, we opted to use the 'free' survey version, which means that the link below is not active and you must copy and paste it … [Read more...]