Now that we’ve established that one or more personal visits are in order to determine whether Lake Chapala might meet your retirement needs, what is the best time of year to visit? Well, it depends…
Our six-day learning seminars give you a good view of Lakeside living, but there are also local activities which you can enjoy while you’re here. Each of the currently scheduled Focus on Mexico week-long seminars will give you a slightly different view of the climate, surroundings, and activities available Lakeside:
August – Bring your umbrella because you will get the opportunity to enjoy the rainy season, which runs from June through September. Many who live here year round are fans of the rainy season when in less than a week the dry and brown mountains turn lush green and the mountainside waterfalls begin running again. It almost always rains at night and pleasant, sunny days are the rule although you may need a light jacket from time to time. You will also get a chance to experience the ‘low’ season when the snowbirds have migrated north and the sunbirds are here in smaller numbers. There are still many events to attend and a bit more room and less traffic than in the ‘high’ season. For example, on August 18, you can enjoy a classical guitar recital by a professional group from Guadalajara called AryaTara at 6 p.m. in the Ajijic cultural center in the plaza. Cost is 100 pesos! There are also local Mexican and expat groups performing around town almost every night of the week.
October/November – Day of the Dead! The town starts to fill up with snowbirds and both northern and Mexican tourists. There are a myriad of events surrounding the Day of the Dead celebration, and you will have time to participate as most events take place in the late afternoon and evening.
Violinist Benjamin Bowman February – The Northern Lights festival, a world class classical music and jazz festival, runs through most of February. Check the site closer to the date for specific performers, times and tickets. The Mexican National Chili Cook Off held in February is one of Lakeside’s annual major fundraisers for local charities. In addition to chili, there are folklore performances, artisan booths, and more.
March/April – Spring (yes we do have seasons that are just a bit more subtle) is one of the most beautiful seasons in Lakeside when the purple Jacaranda tree and many other spectacular flora flower. It’s also a great time to look for your first rental as the town begins to empty out for the low season.
In addition to the sampling of events listed here, there are literally dozens of events every week for every taste advertised online and in posters around town, so join us at the time that works best for you and get a look at everything that Lakeside living has to offer. See our climate post for information about average temperatures, etc. See you soon Lakeside!
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