Lake Chapala, Mexico could be your new Retirement Home
Ever dream of getting a “New Lease on Life?” …
An affordable, stress-free lifestyle in a different country…
Well, you’re not alone. Thousands of Americans and Canadians have discovered Ajjiic and Lake Chapala in southwestern Mexico as the perfect place to live year ‘round… or simply as a seasonal escape from sweltering summers or frigid winters. LAKE CHAPALA IS THE # 1 CHOICE IN MEXICO, with an English-speaking infrastructure already in place to make you feel right at home. Whether you want to retire, work or invest, Lake Chapala is the perfect fit.
Take visual journey to stunning Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico
where the largest colony of northern expats in the world live…
Chapala/Ajijic – One of the Last Best Places on Earth!!!
With One of the Best Climates in the WORLD…
Unlike the traditional resort locations on the coast where people like to vacation, Lake Chapala is a place where people come to live. Although ALL are drawn to Ajijic by the incomparable weather, gorgeous scenery and lower cost of living, they stay because they fall in love with the people, the setting and the lifestyle they can so easily have. While retiring in Lake Chapala gives you the richness of a foreign country and culture, it also provides a familiar yet exotic environment in which to enjoy the best years of your life, and at a cost you can afford.
In Lake Chapala, you can afford all kinds of luxuries that only the wealthy enjoy back home. Just about everyone has a maid and gardener; many even have a cook. Pamper yourself, here you can afford it. Fruits and vegetables are abundant and ridiculously cheap. Property Taxes for a nice home hover around $150 US (PER ANNUM), yes, that’s right – $150 for the whole year. You can also add to that list… no heating and no air conditioning costs. There are not many places in the world that can offer you so many pluses.
Mexico – The Best Place in the World to Retire – says International Living
For the year 2017 and in two recent previous years, International Living rated MEXICO as THE # 1 place to retire. They use an Annual Retirement Index whereby they analyze 29 countries ranking them in categories including real estate costs, special benefits offered to retirees, culture, safety and stability, health care, climate, infrastructure, and cost of living. And, based on these categories, Mexico has it all!
Of the popular spots within Mexico, there is no question that Lake Chapala ranks at the top. We enjoy a much lower cost of living than other popular location, we have better weather and easy access couldn’t be better with the International Airport a mere half hour away.
Lake Chapala, Mexico offers Best of All Worlds
SO MUCH Color! The sheer beauty of the Lake Chapala area is awe inspiring!
Not only are we welcomed with open arms by both the government and the warm Mexican people, we are also involved wholeheartedly with the foreign community in a way that extends well beyond what we would find back home.
The influence of the Mexican people and their culture has a profound and lasting effect on us. Many people now living on the lakeside have traveled the world and they say they have never seen the sense of community anywhere else that we enjoy here.
One of the first things you will notice after spending a little time in Lake Chapala is the lack of consumerism and materialism on the part of our wonderful Mexican hosts and this is a special part of the charm. The Mexican people value friends and family and aren’t into “things” the way we are. People on the street will always greet you with a friendly “Buenos Dias” and a big smile. Walk day or night safely and enjoy the special warmth of the Mexican people as they invite you to share their culture and history. Continually we learn valuable lessons from them.
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Whatever your vision of the ideal retirement, Lake Chapala, Mexico is the perfect place to enjoy it
Join us for an online Move2Mexico RoadMap program and discover why so many Canadians and Americans call Lake Chapala HOME
Interested in rental property in lake area of Mexico
Hi Brian,
Best to send us a private email with more info about what you are looking for and when. Just email us at We’ll be happy to give you some info to help in your search!